Is there a local access number in my area? Juno has more than 3,400 access numbers throughout the United States. Chances are, there is one in your local calling area. To check if Juno has an access number in your area, go to . If you are unable to find any access numbers in your local calling area, you may want to use Juno's Toll Free dialing service. Click here to learn more. Toll-Free service not available in Alaska, Hawaii and other areas. WARNING: THE USE OF SOME TELEPHONE ACCESS NUMBERS MAY RESULT IN LONG DISTANCE CHARGES. IN SELECTING YOUR ACCESS NUMBER(S), PLEASE NOTE THAT ALTHOUGH AN ACCESS NUMBER MAY BE IN YOUR AREA CODE OR LOCATED IN YOUR GENERAL GEOGRAPHIC REGION, IT MAY NOT NECESSARILY BE A LOCAL NUMBER FOR YOU. YOU MAY INCUR SUBSTANTIAL TELEPHONE CHARGES IF YOU CHOOSE ACCESS NUMBERS THAT ARE NOT COVERED BY YOUR LOCAL CALLING PLAN. WE URGE YOU TO CHECK WITH YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY TO FIND OUT WHICH NUMBERS ARE LOCAL FOR YOU BEFORE USING A NUMBER FROM THIS LIST. Note: You are solely responsible for all telephone charges related to accessing our services. Juno will not reimburse you for any such charges, including long distance or toll charges.
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