I'm having difficulty entering my credit card information. If you are experiencing difficulties entering your credit card information while signing up for Juno DSL service there may be several causes. The information below will help you to identify and resolve any issues you may be experiencing. 1. Are you able to access the signup form? (If no, please skip to Step 2 below.) If you are able to access the signup form but your credit card is not accepted, you should have received an error message. The following are possible causes for errors and solutions to resolve them: a. Your billing address does not match the address associated with your credit card. If this is the case, please verify your address and try again. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact your credit card company to verify that the address they have on file is current and correct. b. Your credit card has expired. If this is the case, please try using another card or contact your credit card company. c. The transaction was not approved by your bank. In this case, your bank's computers may be offline and therefore unable to approve your purchase. Please either try using another card or contact your credit card company. d. The credit card number you entered is invalid. In this case, please verify that the credit card number you entered is complete and correct, then try your submission again. 2. Are you unable to get past the My Juno login page? If you are continually looped back to the My Juno login page and are unable to access the signup form, there are a couple of possibilities why this is occurring. Step A: Verify Browser Settings Internet Explorer 7.x: - Open Internet Explorer.
- From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
- Select the Security tab.
- Ensure that the Security Level is set to Medium.
- If it is not set to Medium, click on Default level.
- Select the General tab.
- Under Browsing history, click on Delete.
- Click Delete files button under Temporary Internet Files.
- The Delete Files screen will appear. Select the Delete all offline content check box and click OK.
- Click Close.
- Under Browsing history, click on Settings.
- Click on View Trusted Files.
- Go to the Edit menu and click on Select All.
- Go to the File menu and select Delete.
- Close the window.
- Click OK and OK again to exit.
Internet Explorer 6.x and 5.x: - Open Internet Explorer.
- From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
- Select the Security tab.
- Ensure that the Security Level is set to Medium.
- If it is not set to Medium, click on Default Level.
- Select the General tab.
- Under Temporary Internet Files, click on Delete Files.
- Ensure that Delete all offline content is checked.
- Click OK.
- Under Temporary Internet Files, click on Settings.
- Click on View Files.
- Go to the Edit menu and click on Select All.
- Go to the File menu and select Delete.
- Close the window.
- Click OK and OK again to exit Internet Options.
Step B. Contact Customer Care If you continue to experience difficulties submitting your credit card information, please submit a Personal Assistant Ticket and provide us with the exact error message you are receiving so we can better assist you.