Common Browser Errors / Solutions Error - An error occurred calling networking software (Juno 5.0) During installation, you may receive this message if for some reason, Juno encounters problems installing Microsoft Dial-Up Networking, which is special software you need to connect to the Internet. If you do not have Dial-Up Networking installed, Juno attempts to install it for you (either during your Juno installation or during your account creation). If there are problems with Juno's Dial-Up Networking installation, you can finish creating your account and then attempt installing it yourself through Microsoft Windows. If you install Dial-Up Networking yourself, you will also have to install TCP/IP. If you use Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and do not have administrator privileges, you'll have to contact your system administrator to install Dial-Up Networking. To install Dial-Up Networking in Windows 95/98: - Make sure that your Windows installation files are on disk, CD-ROM, or that they are backed up on your computer.
- Exit Juno and any other programs that may be running.
- Click the Windows Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
- In the Control Panel window, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- The Add/Remove Programs Properties screen will appear. Click the Windows Setup tab.
- In the Components list, double-click Communications.
- In the Communications window that appears, select the Dial -Up Networking check box.
- Click OK to close the Communications screen.
- On the Add/Remove Programs Properties screen, click OK. If the Windows distribution files are on your computer, installation will begin. If they are not on your computer, you will be prompted to insert your Windows installation disk or CD-ROM.
- After installation is complete, restart your computer and install TCP/IP (if it is not installed already).
To install TCP/IP: - Click the Windows Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
- In the Control Panel window, double-click Network.
- On the Configuration tab of the Network screen, if you see TCP/IP->Dial-Adapter in the The following network components are installed list, then TCP/IP is already installed. If you see only Dial-Up Adapter, then you must install TCP/IP. Click Add.
- On the Select Network Component Type screen, select Protocol, then click Add.
- On the Select Network Protocol screen, select the following and click OK:
- Microsoft in the Manufacturers list.
- TCP/IP in the Network Protocols list.
- The Network screen will appear. Click OK to begin installation. If the Windows installation files are on your computer, installation will begin. If they are not, you will be prompted to insert your Windows installation disk or CD-ROM. Insert the disk or CD-ROM into the appropriate drive and click OK.
- Once installation is complete, a message will appear asking if you want to restart your computer. Click Yes. You must restart your computer for this new setting to take effect.
- After installation is complete, restart your computer.
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