Juno is a nationwide Internet Service Provider, available in more than 8,000 cities across North America. Juno offers unlimited paid service and a Free ISP.
Juno Platinum Internet service offers a high-quality Internet connection for less than other ISP's including AOL, EarthLink and MSN#. The service will be downloaded in as little as 2 minutes and provides POP and webmail from any computer, a reliable Internet connection, compatibility with instant messaging programs offered by AOL, Earth Link, MSN and Yahoo, and Internet service for Mac users.
Juno Turbo Internet offers accelerated dial up Internet access with Web surfing† up to five times faster than conventional dial up and includes Pop-up Blocker. The Juno High Speed Internet service works from any phone jack using a standard dial up connection and does not require any new hardware.
The Juno Free ISP offers ad-supported free internet access for up to 10 hours each month including webmail.
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