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Understanding Mail Delivery Failure Transcripts

Account Specific errors:

User unknown/invalid user/Mailbox unavailable: These errors indicate that the recipient's account does not exist. If you see this error, please ensure you've typed the correct email address in the To; box. If you've typed the correct address, please contact the recipient some other way to verify their email address and try sending the mail again.

Account Inactive: This indicates that the recipient's account is currently inactive. If the recipient is a Juno member they should log in to the Juno software to reactivate their account. If the recipient is not a Juno member, they should contact the technical support of their email service provider to find out how to reactivate the account.

Message exceeds the size limit: This indicates that you tried to send a message that was larger than the acceptable size limit set by the recipient's email provider. If possible, try breaking up the message into smaller parts and re-send them.

Service unavailable: This error message can have multiple meanings. If you see this in the transcript, forward the message with the transcript and full headers to Juno email support for further investigation.

Mail Quota Exceeded/Mailbox Disk Quota Exceeded: This message indicates that the recipient's mailbox is full, and cannot accept any more emails. To resolve this, contact the recipient and ask them to clear their mailbox.

Domain Specific errors:

Host unknown: This message indicates that the domain to which the mail was sent does not exist. Contact the recipient and verify their correct email address (including the domain name) and try sending the mail again.

Deferred: Connection timed out with Message could not be delivered for 3 days: This message indicates that the failure occurred because of a temporary problem. Try sending this message again at a later time. If the problem persists after trying again, have the recipient contact their domain administrators.

Domain block: This message means the recipient's domain has placed a block either on your email address or on all mail originating from your domain. The following messages indicate a possible domain block:

1. "Access denied"

An "Access denied" error transcript appears if email sent to a Juno email address is blocked by Juno's anti-spam filters.

A sample of the Access denied error transcript is shown below for your reference:

550 Access denied...2ab079a1b0b0ddddc9a0c979793dd9d901e0e0e9e50489118d4d45e10d84d19444

To resolve this issue, please forward the entire mail delivery failure notice (including the complete Access Denied error transcript) to along with a detailed description of the problem or situation.

Please note: The complete Access denied code includes the string of random alphanumeric characters having three dots ("...") as the prefix as well as the suffix.

This information will help us investigate why the message triggered Juno's anti-spam filters, and take appropriate action.

2. This domain is banned / This domain is banned for spamming / Message from domain is rejected / unsolicited mail is refused

The above error messages all indicate that email sent to a non-Juno email address was blocked by the recipient domain. The block could pertain to just the individual message, or to all messages sent from Juno.

To resolve this issue, contact the recipient to inform them of this situation, and have them contact their domain and let them know they wish to receive mail from Juno.

You can also forward the entire mail delivery failure notice to along with a detailed description of the problem or situation.

Juno does contact the recipient's domain to resolve these issues, however, domains often respond most quickly to reports from their own users.

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