Sorting Messages

Message Center allows you to sort messages according to the following criteria:

At the top of the listed messages is a bar with a picture of a paperclip and underlined links to From, Subject, Date/Time, and Size. Clicking any of the links or the paperclip will automatically sort all the messages in your mailbox and display them according to the criteria you clicked.

For instance, if you click the Subject link, all your messages will display in alphabetical order.

When you click a category, that category will change color and an arrow will appear, either pointing up or down.

When the Arrow points Up:

FromMessages will display in normal alphabetical order, with A at the top, and Z at the bottom
SubjectMessages will display in normal alphabetical order, with A at the top, and Z at the bottom
DateMessages will display with the oldest messages at the top, and the newest ones at the bottom
SizeMessages will display with the smallest messages at the top, and the largest ones at the bottom

When the Arrow points Down:

FromMessages will display in reverse alphabetical order, with Z at the top, and A at the bottom
SubjectMessages will display in reverse alphabetical order, with Z at the top, and A at the bottom
DateMessages will display with the newest messages at the top, and the oldest ones at the bottom
SizeMessages will display with the largest messages at the top, and the smallest ones at the bottom

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